A data driven holistic understanding of strata insurance
In response to increased attention on strata insurance affordability and availability, regulation and the role of strata managers in strata insurance, SCA identified a need for a comprehensive, data-driven report detailing strata insurance in Australia and New Zealand,
SCA commissioned Dr Nicole Johnston, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Finance at Deakin Business School, to produce an industry-first report providing in-depth social and economic analysis of the strata industry. The purpose of the report is to aid consumers, governments, and the broader community in understanding key elements of the industry, and inform SCA’s advocacy platform for shaping the future of the industry.
The report, A data-driven holistic understanding of strata insurance in Australia in New Zealand, was launched 7 September 2021 and is available for download.

Key Links
A Snapshot of the Report

The Road Ahead: A Data-Driven Approach to the Strata Insurance Industry
Media Mentions
Insurance News - https://www.insurancenews.com.au/daily/eye-opener-taxes-take-up-more-than-a-quarter-of-strata-premiums
Insurance Business Magazine - https://www.insurancebusinessmag.com/au/news/breaking-news/sca-report-highlights-spiralling-costs-of-strata-insurance-309239.aspx
The Property Tribune - https://thepropertytribune.com.au/industry/strata-managers-provide-47-individual-strata-insurance-services/
Look Up Strata - https://www.lookupstrata.com.au/nat-data-insights-new-strata-insurance-report/
Real Estate Business - https://www.realestatebusiness.com.au/industry/22095-industry-body-pushes-to-abolish-strata-insurance-stamp-duty
Smart Property Investment - https://www.smartpropertyinvestment.com.au/tax-and-legal/23107-new-report-reveals-skyrocketing-cost-of-strata-insurance
Smart Strata - https://smartstrata.com/industry-insurance-report-47-critical-functions-confirmed/
The West Australian (paper) Syndicated to:
South Western Times
Midwest Times
Pilbara News
Manjimup Bridgetown Times
Great Southern Herald
Broome Advertiser
Several more publications
ABC Regional Queensland Drive – Interview with James Nickless, SCA (Qld) President. Interview was played simultaneously across:
ABC North West Queensland
ABC Far North Queensland
ABC Capricornia
ABC North Queensland
ABC Western Queensland.
To watch visit https://www.abc.net.au/radio/northqld/programs/north-qld-drive/drive/13526586 Press play and go to Time Mark: 1:47:46 by using the scroll bar at the bottom of the media player to get the start of the interview with James.
ABC Tropical North Interview with James Nickless, SCA (Qld) President
ABC Kimberley– Interview with Andrew Chambers, SCA National President
The Cairns Post – Paywall article
Townsville Bulletin – paywell, no link
Courier Mail – paywall no link
SCA Strata Insurance Taskforce
To demonstrate how the strata industry works, the value strata managers bring to insurance for strata complexes and to develop a strong industry position on strata insurance to advocate for a sustainable future, SCA has established a strata insurance taskforce.
The SCA Strata Insurance Taskforce brings together the strata management, insurance and broking industries with representation from across Australasia and from small, medium and large strata businesses.
It is chaired by Greg Nash. Other members include:
For all enquiries relating to the strata insurance report and SCA’s advocacy please email: